
Prenatal Complete

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Prenatal Complete - Select Balance Products

Top Prenatal for Pregnancy | Select Balance Supplement

Select Balance Prenatal Complete supplement provides the most comprehensive prenatal designed to meet the highest nutritional needs of women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

Our Prenatal's are derived from the best sources and free of unnecessary additives making it one of the top prenatal vitamin supplements on the market today.

Select Balance Prenatal Complete is packed with essential nutrients pregnant mothers need to support a healthy pregnancy.

I currently have a 6 month old and have been using these vitamins daily since I found out I was pregnant. I highly recommend this product and will continue to use it myself as a multivitamin forever.- Cassie

Pregnant Mothers should take a Prenatal Supplement

Preparation of the womb starts long before conception.  We recommend women start taking prenatal vitamins in their teenage years to help support their body into adulthood.  Whether pregnant mothers have a child in their 20’s, 30’s or even 40’s, starting earlier is better!

Mothers have over 9 months (preconception to postpartum) to provide a healthy environment to support prenatal development so make sure to take a top prenatal vitamin supplement.

There may be less expensive brands on the market, but they are usually inferior quality.  Often containing fake colors, dyes and substandard ingredients.  Sometimes the least expensive or most popular are not the top prenatal vitamin supplement of choice.

After you child is born you want to provide them with the best env

What to look for in a top prenatal supplement? When selecting from available brands, make sure choose a top prenatal vitamin that:

  • Uses Folate instead of Folic Acid
  • Includes Vitamin B12 derived from Methylcobalamin not Cyanocobalamin
  • Free of Iron which may cause constipation or GI pain
  • Essentials Vitamins including Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K
  • Contains no unnecessary additives or colors

The Difference between Popular and Top Prenatal Vitamin Supplements

There is a reason why some prenatal vitamin supplements are more popular than others for a variety of reason. Often because they include less expensive nutrients in order to provide a cheaper alternative.

Why Folate not Folic Acid?

Many popular prenatal vitamins include synthetically derived folic acid instead of folate in their supplements to provide a cheaper alternative. Folate on the other hand is the naturally occurring form of vitamin B9. Top prenatal vitamin brands (like Select Balance) make sure to include only the best forms of vitamins for moms.

Folate is used during pregnancy to produce blood cells and to help your baby grow healthy. Folate lowers the risk of an unborn baby having neural tube defects (NTDs), a serious birth defect that affects a baby’s spinal cord and neuro development.

In addition to being a better vitamin, another benefit to folate is how it’s absorbed in the body. Folate is converted to 5-MTHF in the digestive system before it enters the bloodstream which is recommended. Folic acid on the other hand is not converted to 5-MTHF in the digestive system, but instead folic acid is converted in the liver and other tissues.

When considering a top prenatal vitamin like Select Balance, make sure your supplement includes methylfolate (not folic acid) which is the natural form of folate instead of synthetically derived folic acid to achieve this result.

Why Methylcobalamin not Cyanocobalamin?

Cobalamin, also knowing as vitamin B12, is an important vitamin to support red blood cell production, brain health and DNA synthesis.

Diets which lack this key vitamin can have serious symptoms including fatigue, nerve damage, digestive issues and even neurological problems like depression and memory loss.

Therefore it is important for pregnant mothers to supplement their diet to include cobalamin.

Vitamin B12 supplements are typically derived from two sources: cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin. Cyanocabalamin is the synthetic form of vitamin B12 and is often used in popular prenatal vitamins as an alternative to the naturally occurring form of methylcobalamin because it is less expensive.

Select Balance Prenatal Vitamin (one of the top prenatal vitamin supplements available) uses methylcobalamin and when used in conjunction with folate it helps to support healthy fetal development, energy, metabolism and the methylation process.

Includes Biotin to support Hair, Skin & Nails

Select Balance Prenatal Complete even includes biotin to support skin, hair and nail growth. Many women suffer from postpartum hair loss during and after pregnancy which is an unfortunate result of all the hormonal changes your body is going through during this amazing time in your life. Biotin is a B complex vitamin and often recommended to improve hair health.

Supplement Facts

Prenatal Complete Supplement Facts

Manufactured in a US FDA inspected facility. GMP Compliant. 
‡ These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

18 Reviews

  • 5
    Great product for those with MTHFR

    Posted by Crystal Kellough on Mar 17th 2022

    I’ve been told that I need to be on methylated folic acid permanently due to MTHFR. This product has it and is also more natural than other products.

  • 5
    Methylated Folic Acid

    Posted by Crystal Kellough on Dec 31st 2021

    My prenatal supplements need to have methylated folic acid and these do. I’ve been using them for over a year now.

  • 5
    Prenatal Vitamins

    Posted by Katie on Nov 5th 2021

    Wonderful and easy to take.

  • 5

    Posted by Emily on Dec 21st 2020

    These vitamins are already showing their effectiveness, my nails are growing strong and hair as well. Very gentle on my stomach unlike other brands that have left me feeling ill. NO NICKEL (unlike Centrum vitamins)!

  • 5
    Prenatal Vitamins

    Posted by Lana Nehme on Nov 5th 2020

    I love this product and especially that it's very natural.

  • 5
    No more Leg Cramps!

    Posted by Ashley W. on Mar 17th 2020

    I've been having really bad leg cramps through the first 2 trimesters of my pregnancy. My girlfriend bought me some Select Balance Prenatals and my leg cramps went away! I will keep taking this daily. Comparing it to my other prenatals, it is such a high quality product. I didn't know the importance of methylated vitamins like Folate (NOT to take folic acid) and methylcobalamin (NOT cyanocobalamin). I feel really good on these supplements.

    I take 2 Select Balance Prenatal Vitamins in the morning and 2 Minerals at bedtime.

  • 5
    Best Prenatal Ever

    Posted by Cassie G on Jun 19th 2019

    I currently have a 6 month old and have been using these vitamins daily since I found out I was pregnant back in April 2018. The first thing I noticed when I started taking them was my hair and nail growth significantly changed for the better. I've always had brittle hair and nails. Not anymore. Also, I attribute this to the vitamins but I have not been sick since starting them and my 6 month old breastfed baby hasn't been sick yet. I highly recommend this product and will continue to use it myself as a multivitamin forever.

  • 5
    Amazing for my nails

    Posted by Whitney on Oct 19th 2018

    I'm in love with the Prenatal Vitamins. The other day my boyfriend asked why I'm growing my nails out recently. I'm not, they are just actually growing and not breaking off right away like they used too!

  • 5
    Prenatal vitamins

    Posted by Ca on Jun 30th 2018

    I have been taking Select Balance Prenatal Vitamins every morning for the past 3 months. I have never been able to grow my nails, they’ve always been super brittle until I started taking these vitamins. Also my hair has never grown faster. Comparing these vitamins to the woman’s multivitamin I used to take. I will never go back. If my hair and nails are seeing this much improvement, I can’t imagine what’s happening on the inside of my body. 5 star. Highly recommend!